Microsoft SQL Server

This course will teach you how to complete microsoft SQL server queries and more using Microsoft SQL Server.


Microsoft SQL Server

This course will teach you how to complete SQL queries and more using Microsoft SQL Server.


What you’ll learn

  • create tables in a database and ALTER columns in the table.
  • Know what data type to use in various situations, and use functions to manipulate date, number and string data values.
  • retrieve data using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY.
  • JOIN two or more tables together, finding missing data.
  • INSERT new data, UPDATE and DELETE existing data, and export data INTO a new table.
  • Create constraints, views and triggers
  • Use UNION, CASE, MERGE, procedures and error checking
  • Apply ranking and analytic functions, grouping, geography and geometry database
  • Create subqueries and CTEs, PIVOTs, UDFs, APPLYs, synonyms.
  • Manipulate XMLs and JSONs.
  • Learn about transactions, optimise queries and row-based v set-based operations


Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who works with data, tables, or databases!
  • Those who work in organisations where the company typically uses Microsoft databases. This course uses Microsoft SQL Server and T-SQL (Microsoft SQL) variant of the SQL language. Those who work with Oracle, DB2, or MySQL might not gain as much from this course.
  • If you work in: marketing, finance, accounting, operations, sales, manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, or any other industry/function that collects information



MJ Nextwood Global will always strive to bring you the best training experience through the best instructors in and outside Nigeria. To inquire more about this course click HERE to start chatting with us immediately

Enroll In This Course

To Enroll in this course is super easy!  For now all our courses are done at our training center at Obidave Plaza, Plot 202, Peter Odili Road by JDP Roundabout, Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

So you can either visit our training center or contact us through a phone CALL or CHAT to enroll in this course.


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